Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Long Day's Journey Into Night!

Our excitement getting on the plane for our nearly 15 hour flight to Sydney was dulled a bit by the stark realization that we have 15 hours to do...whatever!  No email, FB, or phone calls.  So what did we do on our 15 hour flight?  First I have to preface that I rarely sleep on a flight, even one this long.  I try.  I will have a nice meal, 3 or 4 glasses of wine, and if that doesn't work I take an Advil PM.  I just do what I can to pass the time.  Bill is different.  Here is a brief recap of our flight. 
First three hours--R--dinner, wine, watch movie; B--dinner, wine, fall asleep. 
Next five hours--R--another movie (the ridiculously silly Rock of Ages with Tom Cruise), listen to the entire Brandenburg concerto, John Grisham; B--still sleeping. 
Next hour--R-- falls asleep, wakes up 45 minutes later; B--still sleeping. 
Next 2 hours--R--read 500 pages of Ken Follett, listen to Schubert String Quartet No. 14; Bill--still sleeping
Last 3 hours--R--watch Hemingway and Gellhorn (very good); Bill--finally awake for the last hour and a half!
Our arrival into Sydney was easy and quick.  Somehow I will need to get some sleep, though. It is Wednesday morning and we have lost a day and night crossing the International Date Line!

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